Wisconsin Vote on Campus will fund short-term student positions on UW College campuses. We want to establish one editorial intern position on each of the 13 campuses. Editorial interns will post links to local coverage and any election-related events in the area.
We anticipate this job taking about 5 hours weekly for three weeks from October 20 to November 7, or approximately one hour each weekday. Editorial Interns will search local media sites and perform Web searches for local election coverage in established media as well as blogs. The Interns will post these links directly to their Wisconsin Vote on Campus site customized for their College.
Editorial Interns will also browse the Internet for listings of election activities (meet the candidate events, rallies, voter registration drives, candidate debates, etc) to link to their Wisconsin Vote on Campus site.
After the election, Interns will search out and link to reporting about elections results.
The mini-grant for this position will be $150, working out to $10/hourly for the five hours perfomed weekly. This grant can go to an individual, or to a student group that agrees to do the work.
There is also opportunity at a somewhat higher pay rate for Editorial/Promotional interns. We anticipate this being an 8 hour/weekly commitment for the three weeks of October 20 to November 7.
In addition to the duties of the Editorial Intern, Editorial/Promotional interns will add original content to the project and help publicize the service to their campus.
These interns will agree to complete and post either an interview with all candidates in a local race or with a campus expert on some aspect of the election.
The grants for this position will $250, working out to about $10.42/hr for the 8 hours performed weekly. Again, this grant can go to a student group or an individual.
For more about these positions, contact Andy Soth, andy.soth@wpt.org, 608 263-4599.